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No. 1244 Re: ezTCP search command 2014-01-06


Thank you for your interests in our products.

We have been offering libraries of eaManager in three languages.
- Visual C++(Static)
- Visual C++(Dynamic)
- Visual Basic
- Visual C#

Have a nice day!

> herve bourricaud wrote:
> ------------------------------------
> hello,
> for a project (ethernet driven AC outlets)
> I plan to to use your CSEM53N
> as a TCP server (T2S mode) that will answer to request from a WEB server...
> I need to make a table of MACaddress/IP address of connected systems
> and they will be few hundreds !
> can you give me the protocol used by ezmanager
> to be able to send the search command on UDP port 50005
> and to be able to get the answers from CSEM53N modules...
> may you can give us the scr of ezManagerLib ?
> kind regards
> hervé

Writer Sollae Systems Company