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No. 1272 DTR line problem CSE-H25 2014-05-25

Hello there

I bought a CSE-H25 a few days ago.

I have a problem to control the DTR pin

Checking the box DTR/DSR in ez manager does not have any effect...

After using the ez manager 3.3A beta and checking 'telnet COM port control' i was able to control the DTR pin. The box DTR/DSR is then grey

Unfortunatly when i unplug the CSE-H25, on the next boot it will put the DTR-pin in the HIGH-mode, until i launch my software.

On all the computers i've tested, when the computer boot, the DTR pin will be in low mode.

The DTR pin is used on my device to ctrl the reset line, so when the CSE-h25 is rebooted my device could not work until i start my software.

is there any fix for that? (DTR line in low mode (-12v) when the device is reboot)

Best regards.

Writer Stephane Company