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No. 1430 P.C cannot connect to EZL-50L and EZL-410. 2016-11-14

Hello, Mr.

Now i have a system, include: "Computer -> Hub -> Control Box( EZL-50L, EZL-410) -> 3 pumps".

My computer cannot control 3 pumps.

Pump, Hub, Computer is OK.

I've checked Control Box, voltage was 3.3v to provide EZL50L, EZL-410, but cannot connect and ping to EZL50L, EZL-410L follow User Manual of them. Cable is OK, IP address of My computer is

When Turn ON the Control Box, the led of 4CH flashed. Maybe EZL-50L and EZL-410 has fail????

Can you help me about this problem? I've sent picture follow this item.
Thank you.

Attachment 20161114_IMG_6648.JPG
Writer Tuan Nguyen Company Sao Viet