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No. 1481 Send hostname for DHCP request on CSE-M53N 2017-04-05

To be accepted, our product must follow our customer’s corporate requirements.
One of those is to send a device ‘hostname’ in DHCP requests, so that the DHCP server can inform the corporate DNS of a new device on the network and be recognized on the network.

Example :
Our product with serial 1234 and MAC address a.b.c.d.e.f is configured with a host name i.e.: device1234
When the DHCP server register the device MAC a.b.c.d.e.f, it updates the DNS server with the received hostname
If the DNS server manages names for the site ‘site’ or the company ‘acme’, our new device will be reachable in the network with the name ‘’

Is it possible to configure the CSE-M53N to make this feature?

Writer Yannick BACHELET Company EDITAG