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No. 1676 Engineering specialist 2019-07-09

Regarding the SMG-5420. Can the SMG-5420 be used with the ezVSP?

I am using Modbus Poll to connect thru the smg-5420 to a modbus rtu rs485 device. This setup works OK when Modbus Poll is connected to the smg-5420 server.

When I try to use a ezVSP virtual com port, I can not communicate with the modbus device.

I see that when I use Modbus Poll in Modbus/tcp that the tcp header gets sent with the serial data to the smg-5420 server. With Modbus Poll thru the serial port only the serial data gets sent to the smg-5420 there is no tcp header information. Is there some setting I need for the ezVSP virtual com port to add the tcp header?

Thanks, Dan

Writer Dan Burns Company Precision Digital Corporation