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No. 1694 Port gets closed on laptop every 5-10 seconds when running on battery 2019-10-12

I encountered the problem that my virtual port seems to get closed and gets instantly reopened when running my laptop on battery. When I do plug the laptop to the power outlet, the behaviour is gone and the virtual com port stays open all the time.

So I assume it has something to do with energy saving settings, but I haven't found anything in my Windows 10 (there is energy management options for e.g. usb ports, but not com ports), neither did I find something on my device or the ezVSP software.

Is there maybe a trick I haven't seen to keep the COM connection (RS232) open to my CSW-H85N under Win10 when running exVSP on a laptop using battery as power source?

Thanks in advance,

Writer Robert Company Modellbauclub RC-Boote