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No. 1845 Run ezVSP as Service - COM allocation limited to user 2022-01-13


we already use several of your devices but I found in your Q&A (No. 1641) that we can't run ezVSP 5.0A as a service. It's possible to run ezVSP on system tray, but this doesn't help quite a lot with a Windows Server.

So that's why I tried running it as system by developing a service, which in fact worked pretty good. (attached screen) Unfortunately it seems like the COM allocation is stored in the GUI or somewhere else, which won't open as system or any other user. So it's limited to the user who configured the COM allocation.

It would be a huge help if you could tell me where this allocation gets saved or is there even a possibility to let ezVSP at startup read the COM allocation already done on this client (not limited to the user)?

Many thanks in advance for your help.


Attachment 20220113_ezVSP.png
Writer Richard Company