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No. 1867 Re: CIE-M 10A 2022-09-05

Dear Pierre,

Thank you for the inquiry.
Sorry for the late reply, we missed the notification from your Q&A.

Regarding your inquiry, CIE-M10A does not support the function to send email.
If you want to send email notifications on input/output state changes for CIE-M10A, you can consider using ModMap, our free-of-charge software used for managing our remote I/O gateway devices/modules.
Please refer to page 51, ModMap manual for more information.

Reference links:
+) ModMap Page:
+) ModMap Manual:

Best Regards,

> Pierre wrote:
> ------------------------------------
> With a new CIE-M 10A can we use the sending e-mail function.

Thank you for your reply in advance.

best regards

Writer Sollae Systems Company