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No. 1932 Re: CTO 2024-02-21

Dear Ram Rao,

Thank you for the inquiry.

SIG-5560 is a Temperature Gateway, and it only supports the 3-wire temperature detector PT100.
If you wish to connect with a humidity sensor, you may consider using SIG-5430 (4-Port Analog Input I/O Gateway model).
For more information, you can refer to:
+) SIG-5430 Product Page:
+) SIG-5560 Product Page:

Thank you very much.
Best Regards

> Ram Rao wrote:
> ------------------------------------
> Do you have a humidity sensor that is compatible with the SIG-5560 or similar? Your screens show "Temperature/Humidity" sensor, but, I'm not able to find any humidity sensors in your catalog.

Writer Sollae Systems Company