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No. 1952 Re: CSE-M53G TCP Server mode maximum clients 2024-07-11

Dear Vu Nguyen,

Thank you for the inquiry.

In TCP Server mode, a CSE-M53G can handle up to 8 clients at the same time.
For more information, you can refer to page 55, CSE-M53G User Manual:

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Thank you very much.
Best Regards,

> Vu Nguyen wrote:
> ------------------------------------
> Hi Sollae Systems,

It's Vu from Real-time Robotics Vietnam. We are an UAV manufacturing company.
We are looking for the Serial-to-Ethernet for our drone telemetry system. CSE-M53G seems to serve that purpose well.

We are planning to buy ~100 units.

After skimming the datasheets, I have a question: In the TCP server mode, what is the maximum number of TCP clients that CSE-M53G can handle at the same time? We need at least 5, do you think that the CSE-M53G is capable of doing this?

Please response and we can start the purchasing very soon.


Writer Sollae Systems Company