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No. 393 Re: EZL-50L + Delphi 2007-05-30

Hello! This is Sollae Systems.

I'm afraid commands used to configure ezTCP is confidential.

But we provide the ezConfig library. Here is supported library list.

1. VC++
- Static Link Library.
- Dynamic Link Library.
2. VB
- Dynamic Link Library.
3. Linux
4. Java
- Exported by using Eclipse 3.2.1 / jre 1.6.0

Thank you.

> Otac?io wrote:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Dears
> I큟 using Delphi 5 to develop my applications. Currently i큟 using Tibbo but will switch to EZL-50L if my application can support EZL-50L. My application configure the Tibbo like the ezConfig do with EZL-50L. To support EZL-50L I need the description of commands used to configure. Do you can send that description to me?
> Thanks

Writer Sollae Systems Company