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No. 619 Re: Nine-Bit data protocol 2011-05-16


This is a technical support team of Sollae Systems.

The 1 character of serial communication is consist of like below.

startbit(1) + databit(7~8) + parity(0~1) + stop(1~2)

total 9 ~ 12 bits.

I'm not sure about a Nine-bit data protocol.

You mean this format?
startbit(1) + databit(9) + parity(0~1) + stop(1~2)

It depens on you serial device.

If your serial device sends 19200bps/8/1/NONE, CSW-H80 must set like the same.

If I have a wrong point or if you have any question, contact us.

Have a nice day.

Thank you.

> Hossein Mirzaie wrote:
> ------------------------------------
> Hi,
> We want to use CSE-M53 for a Nine-Bit data protocol. We are trying to write our code in C# and as a solution, using Parity bit seems to be the key.
> So, in the program we should change the CSE-M53 Parity State to MARK or SPACE as 1 or 0 value for the ninth bit of every byte.
> Do you recommend this? and if yes, please tell us how we could change the parity state.
> Regards,
> H.Mirzaie

Writer Sollae Systems Company