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No. 681 Re: pulse mode in HTML 2012-06-10

Hat Stan,

I tried the same and used 2 HTML files with a refresh in the start of the second page. For a delay of 1 second this will do; for quicker (shorter) pulse this does not work properly (refresh by internet slows down I belive).
Ik used ModMap, this works fine but only in the same LAN so it does not work using internet.
I mailed Sollae (in macro it has to work but the syntax is no where to find) but Sollae is not responding :-(

Here is the HTML code for the second page (in the first I changed the link for puls. output to the extra page; here index1.html)

HTML index.html (switch on):
<div id="output_01_btn"><? io_echo_equ($o0, 0, "<a href=index1.html?o0=1><img src=output_off.jpg border=0></a>", "<a href=index0.html?o0=0><img src=output_on.jpg border=0></a>"); ?>
HTML index1.html:
(in the head of HTML)
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=index.html?o0=0">

> Stan Bruyninckx wrote:
> ------------------------------------
> Is there a way ,in HTML mode, to make the output pulse instead of staying in the new state ? eg: output to go high and back low after 1 sec.

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