Category : product
CIE-H10/H12 and EZI-10 are remote digital I/O controllers for monitoring inputs and controlling outputs of I/O devices. There are two different types of inputs and those are as follows:
1. WET contact
WET contact ports require voltage source. These ports are isolated through photo-coupler and users can use them regardless of polarity. In other words, these ports detect ON/OFF by a potential difference.
2. DRY contact
These ports have additional circuit for DRY contact based on WET contact. DRY contact ports require electric contact such as a switch or relay.
CIE-H10 and EZI-10 have only WET contact ports. If you want to change the type of each port to DRY contact, you are required to add a DCA (DRY Contact Adapter) or a circuit whose functions are same as the DCA.
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[ I/O ] CIE-H12, EZI-10, CIE-H10, CIE-M10