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No.68 What should I consider for ezTCP using ADSL? 09-12-2011
Category : how to

Some of ADSL lines use PPPoE(Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet) for using the Internet.
If you want to use PPPoE protocol, you need to check PPPoE option in the configuration software.
You also need to set user ID and the password.

But there are ADSL networks which use DHCP protocol instead of PPPoE for user authentication.
In this situation, you should check DHCP option.

If you are connected to the Internet through a cable/dsl modem, you probably use a dynamic IP address.

In TCP server mode, ezTCP needs static IP address.
Therefore, TCP server cannot be used in a dynamic IP environment. (DHCP, PPPoE or etc.)
In the case, you should use TCP clientezTCP mode.
Or, you need to choose product which supports DDNS function.

See also

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