Windmills are one of the mankind’s oldest energy machines. Traditionally, windmill converts the energy of wind into rotational energy by means of vanes. The earliest windmills were mainly designed to grind grains for food production, pump water, or both. The majority of the modern windmill is, however, often introduced as a landmark or sightseeing destinations such as beautiful windmills in the Netherlands. With Sollae Systems’ products, remotely control motors and light of landscaping windmills.
Sollae Systems’ I/O controller comes in handy to control motors and lights of landscaping windmills in remote locations. When circuit line of Light or motor is connected to the output port of Sollae Systems’ remote I/O controller, turning on and off its power can be easily managed from PC or mobile devices. Our remote I/O controller receives a signal from PC or mobile devices to control the electric current. Refer to the diagram to learn how Sollae Systems’ CIE-H10 is used for the remote light and motor control.