Odors are one of the most common sources of air pollution complaints and may be due to a wide variety of sources such as rotting vegetation, animal feedlots, refineries, etc. The measurement of odors is extremely difficult due to the variety of sources of odor and often very low concentrations that produce odor detectable by the human nose. However, some industries and applications have a known source of odor resulting from compounds such as mercaptans, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, typically from industries such as pulp and paper manufacturing, fertilizer production, abattoirs, and tanneries. The odor emission generated by such facilities, waste water, and other organic material can cause a great amount of negative effects to the environment and human.
With Sollae Systems’ serial Ethernet device server, you are enabled to remotely analyze the odor impact in the surrounding area. You can simply evaluate and monitor odor level and classification assessed by odor measurement equipment at the main server. Therefore, you are allowed to monitor major and minor industrial areas in real-time to prevent significant environment impact of odor from being overlooked. While stopping persisting odor problem, Sollae systems’ serial Ethernet device server helps you economically facilitate remote monitoring and management of offensive odor by ensuring nuisance reduction.