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SIG-5450 / 2-Port Digital Output I/O Gateway

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digital output relay modbus tcp sig 5450

SIG-5450 is a remote I/O gateway equipped with 2 digital output ports connected to relays and an Ethernet interface. The device is designed to control the equipment from remote control centers or HMI devices via Modbus TCP protocol. The device can also be controlled by using any Modbus TCP software/app.

Especially, we provide free software and a smartphone app, called ModMap, which lets you manage multiple devices easily and conveniently.

Apart from ON/OFF control, each individual digital output can generate a pulse when receiving a specific Modbus TCP request from a remote device, software, or smartphone app.

The SIG-5450 is the ideal solution for integrating relay control into SCADA systems. It enables precise control and seamless data transmission via Modbus TCP.

The relays connected to digital output support both NO (Normal Open) and NC (Normal Closed) mode. The SIG-5600 supports up to four TCP connections simultaneously, enabling to monitor sensors from different HMI/software/apps at the same time.

  • 2 digital output ports (Relay): Both NO and NC output
  • Support pulse mode on digital output ports
  • Support Modbus/TCP
  • Support multiple TCP connections (Max. 4 channels)
  • Support a master mode for the Internet Switch
  • Free Modbus/TCP program
  • Industrial temperature range (-40℃ ~ +85℃)